Resident eejit. Radio4, kitchen dancing, owning recipe books to read not follow
Oct 11, 2021 2 min read

Gout friendly InstantPot baked beans

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Boston baked beans, cooked with treacle and pork, are a world away from tinned baked beans, good as they are. Sadly, they’re also not very gout friendly due to the amount of pork, so I had a stab at making something as close as I could get. They’re not quite savour enough, but not far off.

You will need

  • Enough dried borlotti beans to cover your instantpot pan to a depth of about an inch
  • 1 large onion halved
  • 2 large onions finely sliced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • A teaspoon of ground black pepper
  • A teaspoon of mustard powder
  • 2 teaspoons of stock powder
  • A big spring of fresh oregano or a heaps teaspoon of dried
  • A tablespoon of oil
  • 300ml of cider or 150ml of cider and cider vinegar
  • A tablespoon of treacle or molasses
  • About 100ml of sweet and smokey BBQ sauce - I used the end of a bottle of Sauce shop cherry bourbon


  • Put the beans and a bayleaf into the instant pot, 6 inches of water to the top and pressure cook for 30 minutes on high, then leave to cook.
  • Drain the beans, retain the liquid in case you need to adjust the texture of the beans later
  • Clean the Instant Pot and then saute on high the oil, onions, garlic and bay leaf until well coloured (15 mins or so)
  • Add the rest of the ingredients, except the beans and cook for around ten minutes
  • Add bake the beans, stir well, turn off the instantpot and close the lid. Let it all come together.


It’s not quite as salty and meaty-satisfying as Boston Baked Beans, but they’ve been a great accompaniment to several meals.

Coked beans Onions ready to brown Ready for reducing Finished beans With braised chard With steak and braised chard With a fried egg